The website is designed to work independently on
computer and mobile browsers. Only one version is necessary.
Computer browsers
Chrome 12+ : OK
Opera 11 : OK
Safari 5+ : OK
Firefox 4 : OK
IE 8 : OK
Camino : not tested
Konqueror : not tested
Mobile browsers
Android 2.2+ : OK, but creates problems with iFrames and $(document).ready() function
Opera Mobile 6: NOK, force font size,no CSS3
Safari Mobile : NOK, zoom problem
Dolphin Browser : OK
Firefox Mobile : not tested
Windows Mobile 7 : NOK, no wipe event, scroll window
Nokia : not tested
Bada : not tested
Blackberry : not tested
WebOS : not tested
Why CSS3? How to replace?
gradient: can be replaced by PNG
animation: can be replaced by jQuery
rotation: can't be replaced
box and text shadows: can't be replaced
resized background: can be replaced by PHP and jQuery resize event
Diaporama de wallpapers
Test 1
Test 2
Several event types are managed by the framework, here's the details of events:
Click = back to index.php
Click = next menu
Mouse wheel up = next menu
Mouse wheel down = previous menu
Click = links inside
Mouse wheel = scrolling
Wipe up/down = scrolling
Wipe right = next menu
Wipe left = previous menu
Click up/down = scrolling
Hold up/down = scrolling fast
Click right = next menu
Click left = previous menu
hold left/right = fast menu switch
Main page
here's an example of all you need to create a page (this is the home page of that website) :
$fw->addTitle($title) adds the wide title $fw->addMail($mail) sets email address for mail button $fw->addContent($title,$content) adds a menu and a content, either by PHP page name or by full HTML in $content $fw->displayPage() shows the whole HTML page
Create a sub page
Just create a PHP or HTML page into /7framework/php/pages/, with just the content you like.
Some functions have been deployed for listing datas: $fw->startList() adds UL tag $fw->addList($content) adds content surrounded by LI tags $fw->endList() adds /UL tag
Search engine
The framework use the /framework/php/recherche.php page to retrieve results. You may personnalize that page according to what kind of information you want to retrieve.
Home menu
$fw->accueil=true will create a Home menu containing all submenus, and links to directly access to them.
$fw->showGallery('Title of my gallery');
$fw->showGallery() will list all folders/subfolders and their images in /7framework/img/galleries.
$fw->showBlog('Title of my blog');
$fw->showBlog() will list a blog, create tables if needed (database connection settings coming soon) and list all categories as submenus.
The blog will have that presentation :
Main page
- Latest articles
- Categories
- Options (recommend, go to admin...)