Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Ico has a deprecated constructor in /home/serviceswy/aure/wp/projets/7f/7framework/img/icons/class.ico.php on line 23 7framework, a windows mobile-like UI for websites
7framework, a windows mobile-like ui for websites
Welcome to 7framework, a Windows phone-inspired UI for websites.
The purpose of that website is to introduce, develop and share the project to all users interested in that way to present websites.
Several technologies are necessary :
WipeTouch, a jQuery-based plugin for touch screens
MouseWheel, a jQuery-based plugin for mouse wheel events
CSS 3 for rotation, animation, gradient, shadows...
I'm currently looking for testers on mobile platforms, and send me by email all their feedbacks: OS, browser, problems...